Free Trial

There is a free 10-day trial to let you experience Pilot2ATC® for yourself.  It is also critical to use the trial period to be sure the program will work in your PC environment. This is a full version of the program so you can test all aspects of the program.  Just go to the downloads area below and download the program to try for yourself.  If you have difficulties during the trial, check our support forum on AVSIM to ask questions and get answers. You can also contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so we can help you before your trial expires.

Be sure to watch and follow all the QuickStart videos as they have some key steps you need to accomplish to make sure the program works properly. Also, follow the Version 3 Quick Start Guide in the Documentation folder of your installation.   It includes a link to XPUIPC for X-Plane that works and the official FSUIPC site for MSFS, FSX and P3D.  New versions of XPUIPC are known not to work in some environments. The Installation is simple, but it involves more than just running the install package.  You must install other software and configure some Windows settings.  Please follow the steps for your SIM in the QuickStart Installation Guide in the Documentation folder.


The Full Download contains data from Navigraph. It also contains other data that is not included in an update or beta version. So, you must start by downloading and installing the full version. After that, updates can be downloaded and installed over the initial full installation.

If you have a version of Windows older than Windows 10, you may or may not run into some issues installing Version 3. If you do, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will try and assist you. However, the program is intended for Windows 10 or higher.

Pilot2ATCv3_Full_Setup_EarlyAccess_0.0.30 with Navigraph Data

After you have installed the full version, and before you attempt your first flight, be sure to follow the instructions in the QuickStart video tutorials to get your Settings and Profiles set up correctly. Many issues can be avoided by getting things set up correctly before you fly. Once setup correctly, you won't have to do it again.

Error Reporting

This is an Early Release. Many of the features will be exercised differently than how they were used during internal testing. This makes it almost certain that some bugs and issues will occur.

If you encounter a problem that appears to be a malfunction, please email the details to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. along with the most recent P2A log file. This file has a lot of detail on what is going on under the covers and is invaluable in tracking down and fixing bugs. If there is a visual component to what you are reporting, please also include a screenshot of the full P2A Screen. To take a screenshot, make sure P2A has the focus and then press Alt-PrintScreen. This will put the screenshot in memory and you can then paste it into a document, or directly into your email if your email system allows that. After taking a screenshot, you will need to shut down P2A in order for the log file to be closed and complete.

P2A v3 Log files are located in:


where -UserName- is your PC user name. Portions of the path may be hidden by default, so be sure Windows Explorer has Show Hidden Items checked in the View tab. A new log file is created each time you start Pilot2ATC, and is closed when you shut it down. So if you take the most recent one after you have the error and after you shut down P2A, you should have the correct one.


When an updated version is released, you only need to install the Update.  You just download the update, unzip and run the installer, installing to the existing installation directory.  This update package contains all new code files, but does not have the data files.  Therefore, it must be installed over your existing full installation.  It will not run by itself.


There are two different types of licenses for Pilot2ATC® V3.
Full License
The full license is a perpetual software license that authorizes you to use Pilot2ATC® V3 indefinitely with the payment of a single fee. Version 2 licenses are all perpetual licenses for Pilot2ATC® V2.

Upgrade License
The upgrade license is for users who hold a valid license for Pilot2ATC® V2. It is a perpetual license, just like the full license, but requires you to provide a valid V2 license in order to purchase it at a reduced rate. The Upgrade license key will be tied to the V2 license key you enter to purchase it.

To ensure you receive your license key, be sure your PayPal email is valid, as that is where the key will be sent. Also, add our admin email address to your accepted email addresses list in your email account.  If you don't get your license key within a few minutes of purchasing, check your SPAM folder. If it still isn't found, send a note to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will look into it and ensure it is sent. DO NOT TRY PURCHASING AGAIN as this will not do anything except make things messy.

Please, if you have any problems with the Purchase buttons or in getting the license email, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will figure out what went wrong and get it fixed.

When you are ready to purchase, click on the "Purchase Now" link below. This will display a page with two option buttons.
If you are upgrading, select the V3 Upgrade License option and a box to enter your valid V2 key will display. Once you enter it and press the SUBMIT button, the license will be validated and if valid, the PayPal Purchase option buttons will display so you can proceed with the purchase. If it cannot be validated, a message will let you know what the problem is. If you cannot resolve the problem, send a note to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll try and help you.

The server issues that were preventing us from processing orders automatically seem to be fixed. If you run into problems trying to purchase, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can send you an electronic invoice to be paid with a credit card and then process the order manually. For upgrade orders, please include your V2 License key in the email.

Purchase Now

After purchase, we will send an email with your license key to the email account you have registered with PayPal.  You can use the key to register your copy of Pilot2ATC® the next time you start the program.